Raise The Reading Scores

Targeted reading instruction for your students. Instructional support for your teachers.

Our Services
Our comprehensive range of services empowers schools and districts with expertise and resources for targeted reading instruction.
1:1 and/or Small Group Reading Intervention during School or After-School
  • Adaptive Program Design based on your needs
  • Expertise in Reading Instruction & Intervention
  • Research-based Proven K-8 Curriculum
Administration of California Approved Reading Risk Screeners
Supplemental Staffing for Your Literacy Classrooms
  • Reading Specialists
  • Instructional Aides
Our Approach
Talentook’s Elements of Reading program builds on the science of reading research and years of experience working with struggling readers. For maximum academic gains, the program is grounded in systematic, explicit, engaging and success oriented instruction.
science of reading

Alignment with Research

Talentnook’s Elements of Reading uses cutting-edge research in literacy development and high-impact instructional practices for reading proficiency.
Get help with Reading Risk Screeners
Get in touch
How it works
A simple 3 step process - You tell us where you need support and we take it from there!
Program Design: Understand your school/district’s needs for supplemental support. Design the program structure customized to the support you need.
Intervention & Support: Assign a dedicated team of Reading Specialists, Instructions Aides and Program Admins. Provide assessments and adaptive intervention to your students using our research-based curriculum that aligns with learning standards
Monitoring and Tracking Growth: Provide data-driven progress reporting to ensure students are on track and improving.
We become your trusted partner for your supplemental intervention needs.

Scope & Sequence

Tightly aligned with the Science of Reading, our Elements of Reading Program incorporates the five pillars of effective reading instruction identified by the National Reading Panel– phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension.
Levels Topic Covered
Pre-Novice Letter Names and Sounds
Letter Keywords
Letter Lists
Letter Name Recognition
Novice CVC Words
Consonant Digraphs
Letter Combinations/Glued Sounds
Pre-Reader Floss Words/Double Final Consonant
Suffix -ed
Magic E/Long Vowel Sound CVCe
Reader VCe
Vowel Team
Y as a Vowel
Detective Vowel Teams
Soft Sounds
Silent Letters
Navigator Syllables
Vowel Digraphs
Long Vowel Teams
Pathfinder Word Knowledge
Fluency Skill
Comprehension- Schema, Author's Purpose, Evidence, Inference, Vocabulary in Context, Synonyms and Antonyms Shades of Meaning, Multiple Meaning Words
Achiever Word Knowledge
Fluency Skill
Comprehension- Characters, thoughts, actions, feelings, Setting - time, place, environment, Plot Intro/Conflict/Resolution, Rising Action and Falling Action, Theme, 1st person, 2nd person, 3rd person, Figurative Language, Sensory Details, Summarizing
Warrior Word Knowledge
Fluency Skill
Comprehension- Text Features, Text Structures - Description, Chronology/Sequence, Compare/Contrast, Problem/Solution, Main Idea vs, Theme, Main Idea and Supporting Details, Summarizing, Point of View/Perspective, Reading charts, graphs, diagrams, time lines
Champion Word Knowledge
Fluency Skill
Comprehension- More Complex Character Development, Tough Questions/Internal Conflict, Theme Development and Connection to Plot, Exploring the Connection of Setting to Plot Summarizing - Incorporating Evidence, Firsthand and Secondhand account, Reading Historical Texts/Vocab, Reading Scientific Texts/Vocab, Comparing Themes, Integrating Information from two texts, Reading charts, graphs, diagrams, time lines
About us
We developed Talentnook’s Elements of Reading Program to address a crisis: too many students are not yet reading at grade level. Students, teachers, parents, schools and districts are struggling. The 2022 NAEP results indicate that not only does the reading crisis in the U.S. persist, students performing at the lowest levels continue to fall further behind their peers.

Our mission

Every child reading and writing at or above grade level.

Developed by Educators. Run by Educators.


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