Write for Us  |  December 8, 2018

How to Write a Good Resume

How to Write a Good Resume

Job searching can be difficult, time-consuming, and emotionally draining. Every job has different requirements and processes to go through. One critical step will be submitting your resume. A resume is a document that lists your education and past career-oriented achievements. Although there is no “correct” way of producing a stellar resume, here are some tips you can follow to help make sure that the employer is impressed with you!

What should your resume contain?

Having an organized resume is very professional. Choose a clean template/format that can easily compose your resume. At the beginning of your resume, state your full name, address, email, phone number, and LinkedIn profile. Following that, include your education and objectives. Then, list your past relevant work/volunteer/projects experience with a few bullet points explaining your roles and responsibilities. Mention any relevant skills or interests that can show you are active and involved!

Use of power words.

The words you use in a resume make a lot of difference. Did you just “organize paperwork?” or did you “carefully handle confidential information of clients?” See the difference? Check out this link for power words you can use: https://www.themuse.com/advice/185-powerful-verbs-that-will-make-your-resume-awesome  

Keep it short and sweet.

Many hiring managers briefly skim through resumes because of the high amount of resumes they receive daily. Most resumes are concise and just a page. If it may feel like a page is not enough to highlight all your achievements, just include the ones that pertain most to the job.

A resume can either make or break your interview process, so it is important that you spend time and effort on it!
