Parenting  |  August 6, 2018

How to ‘not’ force your child to study

How to not force your child to study
School is all set to start again and soon enough it will be exams time! But as parents, there is always a concern about getting the kid to prepare for the exam. It is a daunting task for both parents and students to sit down and concentrate on the topic, be it calculus or chemistry. At times, parents can come off a little too strong and force the child to concentrate on a subject. Is that really wise? The answer is certainly no. The whole studying experience becomes tiring, and there comes a rift between the parent and the children. So, here are some tips on how can parents ‘not’ for the child to study

Give them their space

Sometimes it is OK to let the child figure their own way around studies. Giving them some space to and let them understand the subject without any external pressure. Children welcome a helping hand more than a forcing hand and this method of parenting could really benefit the relationship between the child and the parent. However, one must also be conscious to not let go completely as this can have its own cons on the studies.

Minimize distractions

If parents use gadgets or any other devices while the kid is studying, it can be counterproductive and distract the child from concentrating on their studies. Ensure that the child has books and education related ambiance without loud music or playground noises to distract them. Forcing a kid to study with distractions is like making one eat only one potato chip!

Create a peaceful study environment

The home environment does not always study friendly as a million little things could affect a child’s concentration. Even as a parent, one cannot dedicate fully towards the kid’s learning as there are errands to run and people to attend to. A quick fix to such issues is by creating a peaceful study environment. This can be in the form of home-based tutoring services or sending the kid to a local tutor for studies. This way both the kid and the parents know that the hour is productively utilized and there is minimal waste of time. An easy way to find tutors is through online portals. Websites including Talentnook offers parents the luxury of finding tutors within a zip code at ease. Using such services will engage the kid in the right direction.
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