Write for Us  |  September 11, 2018

How to share student feedback with parents


One of the crucial job requirements of a teacher is sharing feedback. It is an essential and integral part of every teacher’s life. But how is one to share comments without sounding condescending? The answer lies in constructive criticism. While criticism has a negative connotation around it, one can ensure that the receiver does not feel accused or at-fault while hearing this feedback. Here are some of our tips to share feedback both with parents and students.

Your tone matters: Keep it constructive

Your tone plays an important role while sharing feedback. If it is too strong or commanding, the ability to connect with the other person positively is lost. The tone should be calm yet assertive. If the receiver feels condemned, the process is not as successful as it should be. Both parents and students do not want to be at the receiving end of accusations so ensuring that the feedback sounds helpful is imperative.

Start with a positive note

If there is more than one area for improvement, start the conversation on a positive note. Appreciate the effort of the student and sing the praise before divulging other areas of concern. This way, students and parents will appreciate the effort taken by the teacher and the concern they have towards the wellbeing of the student.

Express a desire to discuss the topic

It is not enough to simply share feedback. It is also the role of the teacher to offer assistance and have an open mind to discuss the topic. Parents and students must feel comfortable to discuss ways to improve based on the feedback provided. To keep an open line of communication, express the desire to openly discuss the topic at hand. This way the students feel comfortable with the classes and parents also appreciate such positive spin on such interactions.

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