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Steps for becoming an after-school private tutor


We find that tutors who are looking for after-school gigs are often wondering how to establish themselves. What are the steps involved in coming into your own business as a tutor? While there are many factors involved in establishing your own business, one must first begin with an assessment of self before venturing out. Subject matter expertise, time available for tutoring students, ability to accommodate or travel for classes are primary focus areas.

If you have the above points sorted, moving onto phase 2 is necessary. The introspection gives an idea of your capabilities and constraints. In phase 2, follow these below mentioned steps to kickstart your after-school business.

Subject demand assessment

At the end of the day, it all comes down to demand and supply. Before diving into the world of after-school tutoring, make a survey of the market in relation to your skillset. If the demand for English classes is more than piano lessons, choose the former as the potential is greater there. This market study also sets a realistic expectation before making the plunge for establishing a new business.

Pricing strategy

Pricing is a key determinant in becoming a successful teacher. With experience, one can easily tackle the pricing strategy. Visit websites like Talentnook to understand how tutors price their classes to get a true sense of the market. Also, it is essential to ascertain how much of service charges go to online portals. If the hidden cost is high, then the chances of making profit from classes reduce.

Promoting self

Becoming a private tutor demands more than just subject knowledge. One must put themselves out there for the world to see, appreciate, and connect. While it is essential to be subtle, one must also make a good impression among parents. Since after-school tutors are neighborhood-based, make yourself known in your circles. Here is an article that will guide you through the process of marketing in your community.